Skills and Tools

I started my pursuing my career goal of software development about 6 years ago. I've tried many programming languages and tech stack, both Back-End, and Front-End.

Even though the scope of web/software development is broad, I was very interested and focused on Front-End Development and Software Development.

Front-End Developer

I love creating something that is clean and minimalistic, attractive and has value, and of course, easy to use.

I really enjoy creating webapps with clean & modern UI's, including:

  • Web applications,
  • Documentation pages,
  • Three.js web apps,
  • Chabot's for pages,
  • and others.

But I still like to make simple website pages like landing pages. So, what tools do I feel comfortable using during the website creation?


As a web developer, JavaScript is at the heart of my programming toolkit. I am well-versed in harnessing the power of JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive websites. Although web development can be achieved with other languages like PHP and Python, I find JavaScript to be incredibly versatile and essential for modern web applications.

Having immersed myself in the JavaScript development environment for approximately 5 years, I have gained significant expertise in building robust and engaging user interfaces. JavaScript's constant evolution and vibrant ecosystem keep me inspired to explore its full potential and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.


I really enjoy building single page application websites in React and i can feel it soon becoming my go-to library. I've been using it since 2022 (less than a year) and have become quite proficient with it.

Although I am relatively new to React, my comfort level with the library has been steadily increasing with each project.

Bootstrap CSS

One of my core skills in web development is Bootstrap CSS. I have been utilizing this versatile CSS framework for styling web applications for 2 years. Bootstrap has been instrumental in streamlining my UI development process and creating responsive, visually appealing layouts.

While Bootstrap has been my go-to framework, I am always eager to expand my CSS toolkit and explore new possibilities. I have a keen interest in exploring other CSS UI frameworks, particularly Tailwind and Atomise, to further enhance my frontend development capabilities. I believe that continuously learning and adapting to new tools is essential to stay on top of the ever-evolving web development landscape.


One of my most exciting skills is my proficiency in Three.js, a powerful JavaScript library used for creating captivating 3D web applications. With Three.js, I can bring life to the digital world by developing interactive and immersive experiences that go beyond the traditional 2D realm.

Its flexibility and wide range of features allow me to craft visually stunning and engaging user interfaces, making the user experience truly unforgettable. My journey with Three.js has been a thrilling adventure, and I'm continuously honing my skills to explore new dimensions in web development.

Software Development

As a junior developer, I thrive in crafting efficient and innovative solutions to real-world problems. With 2 years of hands-on experience, I have honed my skills in various programming languages and technologies to build robust applications.

Programming Languages

Throughout my journey, I have gained expertise in several programming languages, including:

  • HTML5
  • Python
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • TypeScript
  • Rust
  • C
  • C++
  • Swift

Technologies and Frameworks

  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Three.js
  • Node.js
  • Vue.js
  • Django
  • Flask

Database Systems

I am well-versed in working with database systems to manage and organize data efficiently. Some of the databases I've worked with include:

  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Firebase

Vesion Control

Git is an essential tool in my development workflow, enabling me to collaborate effectively with teams and track changes in my projects.

Softwares and Tools

  • VS Code
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • Sourcetree
  • Figma
  • Neovim
  • Photoshop

Other Tools and Skills

In addition to the aforementioned technologies, I possess the following skills and tools:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Agile Development
  • Containerization (Docker)
  • GraphQL
  • AWS

I am always eager to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the software development landscape. My passion for problem-solving and dedication to writing clean and maintainable code drive me to continuously improve and excel in this dynamic field.