
As a Bachelor of Information Technology student with a focus on Networking, Cybersecurity, and Software Development, I possess a strong foundation in problem-solving and programming, object-oriented programming, and network fundamentals. I am passionate about project-based work and have completed several impressive projects that highlight my skills in web scraping, data analysis, website design, server setup, and configuration.

Work Experience

Ideate Lead - Warndu (March 2023 - May 2023)

  • Led a cross-functional team in developing a prototype to address a major pain point within Warndu, a company based in Clare, SA, Australia.
  • Collaborated closely with high-level stakeholders at Warndu to understand their challenges and requirements.
  • Conducted comprehensive analyses, including SWOT and PESTEL, to assess the internal and external factors impacting the company.
  • Employed user-centric techniques such as creating personas, journey maps, and Morgan's metaphors to gain deep insights into user experiences and pain points.
  • Led ideation sessions to generate innovative solutions and brainstormed ideas to address the identified pain points.
  • Developed a functional prototype for implementation, considering whether it would be integrated into an existing website or developed as a standalone app.
  • Conducted user testing and gathered feedback to iterate and refine the prototype for optimal user experience.
  • Collaborated closely with the team members, ensuring effective communication and leveraging diverse skills for successful project delivery.
  • Presented findings, insights, and the prototype to stakeholders, showcasing the value of the solution and its potential impact on the company.


Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) - University of South Australia • 2020 - 2025

  • Coursework included Python programming, Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Database management (SQL), Version control (Git), Algorithms and data structures, Memory management, Security and cryptography, Networking and HTTP, Debugging and error handling.

CS50X, CS50P - Harvard University Online • 2023 - Present

  • Coursework included C programming, Database management (SQL), Django and Flask Frameworks, Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Computer Science Principles (Memory management, Garbage collection, etc.)


  • Problem Solving and Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Data Driven Web Technologies
  • IT Fundamentals
  • Network Fundamentals
  • Design Thinking Studio
  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Scientific Computing with Python
  • Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures


Live Tobacco Prices | WebApp (February 2021 - July 2022)

  • Created a website that displays a curated list of live tobacco prices in Australia by leveraging the Woolworths online store and utilizing a web scraper to automate data collection.
  • Hosted the website on a Google Cloud server running DebianOS and installed an Apache web server to ensure public access was granted through the appropriate network configurations.
  • Garnered an overwhelming positive response from the community, with 900 views within the first 24 hours after making the site live.
  • Regularly monitored the Woolworths website for updates and re-scraped the data to keep the website current, demonstrating attention to detail and dedication to maintaining the site's consistency.

Plex Media Streaming | Server (September 2022 - January 2023)

  • Implemented a local streaming service using a Raspberry Pi and RaspbianOS.
  • Configured an FTP server and Plex Media Server to store and transfer movies, TV shows, home videos, and pictures on the local network.
  • Established a static IP and port forwarding for the Raspberry Pi to ensure uninterrupted streaming.

Income Tax Calculator | Software (June 2019 - September 2019)

  • Developed and implemented an income tax calculator using Visual Basic as a final assessment for the Digital Information Technology class.
  • Constructed a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) capable of reading a CSV file containing precise tax brackets for each salary level for the appropriate year. Resulted in accurate income tax calculations for users.
  • Utilized programming, data analysis, and GUI design skills to develop a standalone program that computed income tax, tax offset, and tax withheld.
  • Designed an intuitive and accessible GUI that made the program easy to use for a wide range of users.


  • Industry Knowledge: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Web Development, Project Management, Software Development, Web Hosting, Network-Attached Storage (NAS)
  • Tools & Technologies: SQL Server Management Studio, Python (Programming Language), SQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Microsoft SQL Server, Operating Systems (Linux, Debian)
  • Interpersonal Skills: Commitment towards work, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Design Thinking
